(852) 2117-3960
Room H, 20/F, Mai Luen Industrial Building

23-31 Kung Yip St., Kwai Tsing, Hong Kong

Health & Safety Management

"Occupational health and safety is our prime objective"
We strive to create a harm-free workplace for our employees with the “Zero Incident” being the ultimate goal for our occupational health and safety management.

Through involving the employees in health and safety management planning, encourage the participation of employees to workplace health and safety programs we foster the health and safety culture within the organization.

Over the years we have made great strides in lowering the incident rate in our operations.  To ensure that we are running on the right track of our Pathway to Occupational Health and Safety Excellence we continued driving the organizational health and safety culture towards the “Interdependent” stage.  This is where our employees will own and believe health & safety is a Shared Responsibility.

We also recognize that a positive health and safety culture makes the greatest contribution to our health and safety performance.  It was determined by management to set health and safety as our mission and to put every effort in to fostering a positive health and safety culture.  This mission is to be characterized by good communications founded on mutual trust, and with shared perceptions of the importance of, and confidence in, the efficacy of preventive measures.
We applied a risk management approach when managing health and safety issues.  Our OHSAS18001:2007 certified health and safety management system is integrated with the ISO14001:2004 certified environmental management system and the ISO9001:2008 certified quality management system.

In the face of the COVID-19 emergency, Man Yuen Construction Engineering has actively responded to the challenge and set up a Business Continuity Plan to ensure our work health and safety policies and procedures are up to date and appropriate.

Screening process before entering the site

  1. Take the temperature of all personnel and ensure that they wash their hands before entering the site or the project office.
  2. Always wear a surgical mask for hygiene protection purpose. For working in dusty environment, workers should wear a N95 respirator.
  3. Upon arrival at the site, an assigned personnel will ask the following questions to the staff:
    • ●  Have you had any fever, congestion, choking or cough in the past 2 weeks?
    • ●  Is there someone at your home who has these symptoms or is sick with COVID-19?
    • ●  Are there people with symptoms or diagnosis of COVID-19 in your neighborhood or community?

General Guidelines

  1. Hold briefings at the beginning of the workday to discuss COVID-19 prevention measures.

    • ●  Raise awareness on how to prevent exposure and contagion by the virus (ways it presents, how to avoid its spread, symptoms and signs, etc.)

    • ●  Highlight the importance of proper and frequent hand washing.

    • ●  Promote respiratory hygiene that emphasizes on covering the face when sneezing and coughing, and properly wiping the nose; thus controlling the primary source of the contagion.

    • ●  Avoid handshakes, and any other forms of close contact on the job.

    • ●  Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter at all times (entrance to the project, meetings, lunch, smoking etc.)

    • ●  Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, and mouth) without washing your hands.

    • ●  Wash hands before eating and drinking and do not share food or drinks with colleagues.

    • ●  Do not share or exchange your personal protection equipment (PPE).

    • ●  Stay home if they develop flu-like symptoms. See a doctor and report to the direct supervisor immediately.

  2. Restrict entry to all unnecessary visitors during the epidemic.

  3. Set up stations for hand washing at various points of the site (at the entrance, dining room, temporary offices, operating plant, etc.)

  4. Make sure of the availability of the following supplies in sufficient quantity: – Liquid soap, disposable disinfecting towels, alcohol-based gel and/or liquid alcohol. – Disposable towels and tissues. – Closed containers or bags for the disposal of towels and tissues, identified and located at various points of the site. – Masks1, disposable gloves and protective glasses.

  5. All personnel myst undertake combined nasal and throat swabs test bi-weekly

  6. Follow the instructions of the local authorities.

Prevention Measures

  1. Clean the workstations and dining room with 1:99 household bleach at least twice a day.

  2. Prepare a registry of workers suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary problems, asthma, allergies, cancer etc. The record must be submitted to the Project Manager.

  3. Establish working groups to minimize the movement of people in the project area to facilitate traceability and control, in case any possible contagion is identified.

  4. Set up enough dinner places in the project site and define specific schedules for meal times to avoid crowding.

  5. Enable a defined space for men’s and women’s locker rooms at project sites. Workers will have to change their clothes when entering and leaving the site. Masks and gloves must be removed safely in order to bring them to their final disposal.


Reporting requirements for COVID-19 related incidents

  1. All COVID-19 related incidents which including suspected/confirmed cases within the worksite, employees returned from oversea countries, employees require compulsory quarantine, and employees have been close contact with COVID-19 infected person, have to be reported to direct supervisors who will then report to the Project Manager or Risk Manager.

  2. Any workers with a cold, even a mild one or a fever above 37.3c should see a doctor and report to direct supervisor afterward he medical test results.

  3. Site supervisor/manager should record the name of those “close contacts” and to report the case to Project Manager or Risk Manager.

  4. Set up enough dinner places in the project site and define specific schedules for meal times to avoid crowding.

  5. Enable a defined space for men’s and women’s locker rooms at project sites. Workers will have to change their clothes when entering and leaving the site. Masks and gloves must be removed safely in order to bring them to their final disposal.


Stress Management

If personnel show sign of distress, sadness, confusion, or anxiety because of the epidemic, the company’s employee support service will provide any necessary assistance if possible.